Yea an issue too is everyone loves (ha) us. Small town small congregation so they call us if we dont show....sugar coat it for the MrS. And try to draw us back. And theyre a strict congregation. Makes a fade tough so imtrying to move. Lol
Jon Preston
JoinedPosts by Jon Preston
If I DA this way......
by Jon Preston inif i wrote a letter of da to the congregation that only said i was da'ing with absolute zero reason.
how do you think theyd respond?
obviously an anouncement but im sure rumours would then start.
Atheists I have a question....and some comments on spirituality (possible ranting may follow)
by Jon Preston inok i just thought about this because its been in the back of my mind deep in the subconscious goop where i store many a curious thing:.
what is spirituality to an atheist?
what is its meaning?
Jon Preston
Like insaid Kate i believe spiritual and physical are hand in hand. Sure youre spiritual. And im in no position to judge you. I like this saying:
"Its a sign of strength, not weakness, to know you dont have all the answers"--John Loughbrane
the worst atrocities toward humans have been done because someone was unable to admit they dont know. And yet they hold true to disproven doctrine/teachings and EXPECT others to do the same.
Sledgehammer subtlety: The insidious reworking of Micah 6:8
by rory-ks inmicah 6:8 might be - or have been - a favourite verse of many.
the verse used to read:.
"he has told you, o earthling man, what is good.
Jon Preston
Lol comatose. Something to look forward to...
Ih and who cares how they changed the RNWT....the POINT is it is more flip flop changing from them....
Why the "worldly" thought of heaven is more comforting than Paradise
by kneehighmiah inone of the worst and best things about waking up is realizing that despite what you've been taught as a child, you are going to die one day.
that was easy for me to handle, as i've had near death medical emerigencies.
the hardest part is the thought of losing your parents.
Jon Preston
I think i agree there vidiot
Atheists I have a question....and some comments on spirituality (possible ranting may follow)
by Jon Preston inok i just thought about this because its been in the back of my mind deep in the subconscious goop where i store many a curious thing:.
what is spirituality to an atheist?
what is its meaning?
Jon Preston
I like that outlook SOP--thanks for sharing. i feel the same. I want to be kind, honest, merciful, humble and treat others with the utmost respect. And never have i felt more isolation, closet-fear and hatred, or judgment than when i regularly attended meetings. They cleverley disguise all these things as loving....clever clever. It is impossible for me to believe in and love a God through gentle coercion....and gentle threats.
Whats that scripture? Let your threats be gently seasoned with salt....? Lol
Atheists I have a question....and some comments on spirituality (possible ranting may follow)
by Jon Preston inok i just thought about this because its been in the back of my mind deep in the subconscious goop where i store many a curious thing:.
what is spirituality to an atheist?
what is its meaning?
Jon Preston
Oh i forgot to add something else that pisses me off--When someone is labelled spiritually weak based on behaviours caused by imperfect flesh. If anperson is just worldly and fleshly indont see how you can judge them as spiritually weak. Again taking away human dignity.
Even according to the good book we are all sinners (fleshly) and fall short of the glory of God...right?
Atheists I have a question....and some comments on spirituality (possible ranting may follow)
by Jon Preston inok i just thought about this because its been in the back of my mind deep in the subconscious goop where i store many a curious thing:.
what is spirituality to an atheist?
what is its meaning?
Jon Preston
Some stop to smell the roses but theres always a pinch of cynicism added such as:
"Just think of how amazing the roses will smell in the new system when wickedness is done away with"......AGAIN the future for 99% of ALL witnesses IS PHYsICAL and fleshly....only the 144K get a spiritual transcendence to heaven (still would be a physical place with an actual location in the universe right?)
Why the "worldly" thought of heaven is more comforting than Paradise
by kneehighmiah inone of the worst and best things about waking up is realizing that despite what you've been taught as a child, you are going to die one day.
that was easy for me to handle, as i've had near death medical emerigencies.
the hardest part is the thought of losing your parents.
Jon Preston
I agree...but "life is short" and "you only live once" may also motivate people not to sweat the small stuff...really each person has their own way of dealing and getting through in tough situations.....the problem is when you put forth your way as the ONLY way, without absolute proof of such.
Atheists I have a question....and some comments on spirituality (possible ranting may follow)
by Jon Preston inok i just thought about this because its been in the back of my mind deep in the subconscious goop where i store many a curious thing:.
what is spirituality to an atheist?
what is its meaning?
Jon Preston
Good point Apog. But again we come back to spirituality being a product of external stimuli (whether seen, unseen)to facilitate certain reactions within our bodies (physiological) to produce some sort of reaction. Whether it be some miraculous event or the social pressures and interactions in our environment. I see spiritual and physical going hand in hand.....and yet many religions seperate the two as if later in existence youll gain eternal spiritual life without being part of some physical existence. And should you reach that life and spirituality IS, as you said, as "knowing that there's something out there, above our own existence".....when you reach that eternal life what need would there be of spirituality.?
This is also where the WT has always confused spiritual with physical....they see products of behavior and counting FS hours as spiritual, as door to door is spiritual....but its not. Is physical responses to what your beliefs are that cause you to behave a certain way. Hence a spiritual person cannot be judged and should not.
im ranting again im sure....this is just my mind vomit coming out lol but i needed to draw it out to make sense of what most consider a simple thing.
Atheists I have a question....and some comments on spirituality (possible ranting may follow)
by Jon Preston inok i just thought about this because its been in the back of my mind deep in the subconscious goop where i store many a curious thing:.
what is spirituality to an atheist?
what is its meaning?
Jon Preston
So spirituality could be (and probably is) a result of physical chemicals secreted within us to facilitate emotional responses based on stimuli from outside......unless its supernatural which still has physical characteristics if it is not delusion. My point is:
there is SO much debate on physical vs spiritual
physical body resurrection vs spiritual body resurrection
heaven (spiritual right?) vs earth (physical)
angels (spiritual yet not physical?) vs human (fleshly, physical)
get where im goingnwith this.
How can spiritual still not be, in part, physical?
Too many black vs white issues come out of this argumant and form the bass for the "im right youre wrong" arguments. Is it really worth all that?